Updates about FAR FROM THE TREE!

Hello friends!

We're less than a week out from the October 3 publication of FAR FROM THE TREE, which means that I'm currently running around, looking like this:


(I use that gif way too often, I know, but Beaker just GETS ME.)

Anyway, there have been a lot of FFTT updates, so rather than tweeting, instagramming, and facebooking about them incessantly,  I thought I would put them into one handy list here! Also, I am here for any and all reasons to make a list! Bullet points! Check marks! True story: I once made a list of all the lists I had to make. It was Peak Me.

  • If you, like me, enjoy getting things for free, then you should go visit Heather and Jessica at Go Fug Yourself because they're giving away a copy of FFTT! And while you're there, you can also look at the glorious pictures of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle being in luuuuuvvvvvv. Why do those pics make me so happy? I don't even know these two people, and yet! (Question: Do you think he sent her a bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils on the first day of fall? I just have a feeling that he did.)
  • Finally, to come full circle, FFTT will be in stores in less than a week, including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and my beloved indies. But in addition, it'll also be available in Meijer, Fred Meyer, Kroger, and Walmart stores nationwide! You could buy my book while you're grocery shopping! 
  • And finally, thank you to everyone for your good thoughts, tweets, texts, comments, and all-around wonderfulness about FAR FROM THE TREE. Writing this book, as some of you know, really took it out of me, and I feel so grateful to have so much support from so many people, both in the publishing world and beyond. I hope I see you while I'm on tour!

RB xo